Research ~~- On Marriage and Divorce

divorce: You ended your un-scriptural "marriage" to the divorcee, but now what?

1343 Characters =~1.3Min. Reading Time
So you, a never before-married person, "married" a divorcee, realized this was adultery, and called it off.
Good for you.
Now are you free to marry someone else?
Maybe, but consider celibacy.

Although your physical union was not a true marriage bond, it was a physical bond.
"he who is joined to an harlot is one body [with her]
for two, saith YAH, shall be one flesh" (I Corinthians 6:16)

Your (false) marriage also created an emotional bond.
You also made a binding covenant under law which does not go away just because you cannot live together as husband and wife: You made a vow to love, honor and cherish until death.
You may also have made children.

Better to follow Yahshua's and Paul's advice and stay single and devote your life to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Scripture does not lay out rules for every variation of man's sinful entanglement.
Disciples must be obedient to the commands of Yahshua in those situations which are clear, and willing to apply His principles wisely in those situations which are complicated.

So choose another spouse if you must, to avoid fornication.
But please consider the gift of celibacy.
Celibacy is a great option, especially if you have the support of a loving community of faith.