Screenplay Synopses ~~- Sacred Stones

How To Use The Urim & Thummim

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688 Characters =~0.7Min. Reading Time
The Urim & Thummim replica is a 'sacred lot,' a way to use apparently random chance to let the Creator speak to you to help guide your decision-making process.

If you draw the flame-stone from the bag, the Creator may be telling you to consider the fiery-judgment that follows bad choices.

When you draw the white light-stone from the bag, it's like the Creator whispering in your ear, β€˜Innocence,’ that is, to remind you to preserve your purity and to seek spiritual light in order to have a good life and to help others.

The original supernatural Urim & Thummim appear only in Exodus 28:30, Numbers 27:21 and Ezra 2:63. Their full capabilities remain a mystery to this day.