THEMES~~-Eternal Life ~~- scripture_sections | scripture | songs | chapters | art | reviews |

Eternal LifeWrench

Eternal life is available to you if you undergo the humbling process of spiritual regeneration and cleansing, giving up all you have to gain an eternal spiritual body of virtually limitless power. Few people find eternal life. Most die forever.
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3 SCRIPTURE SECTIONS on the theme of Eternal Life

  1. We Can Walk Through Death into Eternal Life!
  2. To Gain Eternal Life, Follow All The Commands
  3. We Will Live Forever While Pagans Die Forever


49 SCRIPTURES on the theme of Eternal Life

  1. Apocalypsis (Revelation) 22:2 In the middle of the [main] street of [New Jerusalem,] on either side of the river, stands the Tree of Life. She bears 12 kinds of [life-giving] fruit, 😇. [She] yields her fruit every month. The leaves of the tree [exist] to heal [all] nations.
    note: Leaves are for health. Plants are good for health, especially the Cannabis Sativa plant, or hemp, which is not meant for concentrating and inhaling its smoke, but for eating its seeds, among hundreds of other uses essential to human life.
  2. 1st Corinthians 15:55 O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?”
    note: (Hosea 13:14)
  3. 1st Corinthians 2:9 But as [the prophet Isaiah] writes, “No eye has ever seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered the heart of man, the wonders YHVH [the Eloah] has prepared for beings who love Him, 😇.”
    note: (Isaiah 64:4)
  4. John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy you, 😇. I come so that the [sheep] can have life—the fullest possible [life][overflowing abundant life forever].
  5. John 6:47 —I tell you, 😇, the rock-solid truth: Whoever [builds his life on faithfully emulating] me [already] has everlasting life.
  6. John 5:24 I tell you the rock-solid truth, 😇. Anyone who hears my word, and [bases his life actions] on YHVH who sent me, [already] has everlasting life. Such a [genuine active, fruitful] believer [escapes] condemnation. [Real believers, unlike mere ‘cultural christians’] have already crossed from death to [eternal] life.
    note: Have passed into life, past tense. TRULY reborn people are already in eternity. We reborn people start our eternal lives chained up in mortal bodies. Then we escape those bodies upon death. Yet most people who call themselves ‘born-again’ burn up in the lake of fire.
  7. Luke 20:36 Nor can [resurrected and perfected] people ever again die, 😇. For they become [androgynous,] like angels. Through the resurrection [process, (male and female) saints become] the sons of [YHVH] the Eloah.
  8. John 11:26 —So whoever lives by [actively, fruitfully, obediently] believing in me never, ever, enters perpetual death. Do you believe this?”
  9. John 10:28 And I give [my obedient hearers] eternal life, 😇. So they never [ever, eternally] perish. No one can ever pluck my ‘sheep’ from my hand.
  10. Proverbs 10:25 [As life's] whirlwind whips by [us saints], it wipes evildoers from existence. Yet [the] righteous [man] stands forever, 😇.
  11. Luke 10:28 YahShua answers the Lawyer, “You answer right: [correctly love YHVH and your neighbor]. Then you live [forever].”
  12. Psalms 49:9 [No one can pay] for eternal life, 😇. [All the money in the world buys you an eternity] rotting [in a casket, eaten by worms].
  13. 1st John 3:14 When we love [our unlovable human] brothers, we know, 😇, that we've [already] passed from death to [eternal spirit] life. Whoever fails to love his brother [human] is living-dead, [a zombie].
    note: You know you have passed (past tense, already entered) eternal life when you unconditionally love everyone, even your enemies and persecutors. Enemy-love is a unique supernatural feeling. You know it comes from heaven when it wells up inside you. It feels unlike any other feeling. It's ‘blue,’ clean and pure. It bubbles up from inside your belly and out through your mouth. It's finding water for the first time in a desert. You see the absolute insanity of war. Spirit-Love is an incredible pure high with no ‘down’ and no addiction. Drugs mimic spirit-love. Yet drugs make you more selfish. Spirit love makes you other-centered. It's proof of the 5th dimension.
  14. 1st Peter 1:4 You, 😇, have been reborn into an incorruptible, undefiled heritage that can never fade away! [YAH] reserves your inheritance in heaven for you.
  15. Mark 10:17 YahShua resumes his journey, 😇. A man comes running [down the road. He] kneels before YahShua. He asks, “Good Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
  16. Matthew 10:39 Whoever clings to his [physical] life loses [eternal] life, 😇. [Likewise,] anyone who loses his [mortal] life [to follow me in obeying YHVH to the death,] eventually finds [real eternal] Life.
  17. Matthew 19:16 Suddenly, 😇, [a man] approaches YahShua and asks, “Good Master, what righteous [action] should I do so that I will have eternal life?”
  18. IsaiYAH 66:22 YHVH promises, “Just as the new heavens and the new earth I'm making endure [forever] before my [loving face], your seed-children and your name come to abide [forever, 😇].
  19. Psalms 91:16 I satisfy you with [infinitely] long, [indestructible] life. You [survive to] enjoy [exploring] the wide-open [endless eternity of salvation].”
  20. Proverbs 9:11 For only I, [YHVH,] can multiply your days, and add years to your life, 😇.
  21. John 17:3 And this is [their] eternal life: to know You, [YHVH, the] sole true Elohim, and [me] YahShua, [the] Messiah, whom You have sent.
    note: Here again Jesus makes it crystal-clear that he is not YHVH. YHVH is the ‘only true God.’ This is a key support verse for strict monotheism, and a deal-breaker for Athanasian Trinitarians.
  22. Romans 2:7 To beings who by patient endurance in doing good [deeds] seek glory, honor and immortality, [Elohim gives] eternal life, 😇.
    note: Not to those who merely say a sinner's prayer, then go on living normal lives.
  23. Apocalypsis (Revelation) 22:17 [YAH'S] Spirit and the Bride say, “Come [to heaven], 😇!” To all [you] hearers, [heaven shouts], “Come [enjoy eternity with us]! All [you] thirsty [people,] come! Whoever will, freely take the water of life.”
    note: Never charge for the gospel nor turn religion into a merchandising business. Keep it pure.
  24. IsaiYAH 33:15 [The only human who lives forever is] the one who walks in righteousness, who speaks fairly, who despises gain gotten by oppression, who throws his hand away from taking any bribe, who stops his ears from [considering] any [schemes to shed] blood, and who seals down his eyes [to block out] the sight of ruinous [temptation].
    note: So: avoid porn. Detach from the evil world economic system which lives on war and ruinous policies such as national debt and debased currency.
  25. Ezekiel 18:19 So why would you ask if the son bears the [punishment] for his father's evil, 😇? When the son consistently does what's lawful and right, and guards and executes all my statutes, he lives, guaranteed.
  26. Psalms 118:17 YHVH [won't let] me die [eternally], 😇. [He'll keep] me alive to proclaim his miracles.
  27. Psalms 119:45 Let me tread [forever] in every direction, searching [all dimensions] of the wide-open spaces of your designs [for life].
  28. Hebrews 7:3 Melchizedek {King-Of-Right} has no father or mother, no family line. His days have no beginning, 😇. His life has no end. Like [YahShua] the son of YHVH, Melchizedek remains a priest forever.
    note: Paul is either saying the Melchizedek is some sort of eternal being, or that we simply have no records indicating his history.
  29. Titus 1:2 [Faith and understanding] rest on the hope of eternal life. Before time began, YHVH promised he would give eternal life to people. And YAH never lies, 😇. [YAH IS Truth.]
  30. Psalms 119:33 Make my life a perfectly-designed and guarded aqueduct flowing into eternity.
  31. Psalms 119:44 Stretch my guardianship of your law past all future eons.
  32. Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 For Elohim created man to be immortal. [YAH] made man to be a reflection of his own eternity.
  33. 1st John 2:25 And this is what YAH promises us [believers], 😇: Eternal Life.
  34. 1st Corinthians 15:19 If our hope in [the] Messiah [benefits us] only in this life, we [deluded believers] are the most miserable people [in history, 😇].
    note: We're living through horrible persecution and suffering in this life. Our trials had better result in a great afterlife, or we're the biggest fools in the world.
  35. 1st John 5:11 And this is the proof, 😇: YHVH has given eternal life to us [believers]. [We connect to] this life [by connecting to] YHVH's son.
    note: Christ's spirit is the spirit of enemy-love. Christ proved this by laying down his superpowers to let religion-bought soldier-thugs torture him to death for about 18 hours. If you love your enemies, you are a supernatural being. If you don't love your enemies, you are a rotting piece of meat. Spirituality isn't a fuzzy feeling, a weekly worship observance, nor a set of theology lessons. Spirituality = constantly actively doing deeds of love to help awful, evil, ungrateful backstabbers. Enemy-love is the believers' lifestyle and occupation, now and throughout eternity.
  36. Psalms 21:4 [I] ask life of you, and you give it [to me]. [You] extend my lifespan into eternity.
  37. Psalms 102:28 [Likewise,] the progeny of your servants live-on [in heaven]. [You] establish their seed [to live perpetually] before your [smiling face].”
    note: By telling people YAH's Word, you can ‘father’ spiritual children who will live forever. That's why Paul claimed Timothy and others as his 'sons'.
  38. Hebrews 7:16 YahShua, like Melchizedek, is a priest, 😇, not by virtue of a regulation in the Torah concerning physical descent, but by virtue of the power of [his] indestructible life.
  39. Hebrews 7:8 Today, 😇, Jews pay tithes to Jewish priests who eventually die. But Abraham {Father-Of-Billions} paid his tithe to Melchizedek {King-Of-Right}, whom witnesses report is still alive [thousands of years later].
  40. Acts 13:48 When the beast-nationals hear this, they [rejoice, 😇]. They honor the word of [YHVH] the Adonai. So all the people whom [YAH] appointed [to live forever, become active, fruitful] believers.
  41. Proverbs 14:32 The spoiler's depravity drives him [into oblivion]. The upstanding [human enjoys] hope, [even] in his death.
  42. Luke 18:18 And a ruler asks YahShua, “Good Master, what must I do to inherit eternal Life?”
  43. Luke 10:26 YahShua asks the [liar] Lawyer, “What does [Moses] write in the law? What [conditions] do you see the Torah stipulating [for receiving eternal life]?”
  44. Luke 10:25 Suddenly a [snake-hearted religious] lawyer stands up to trap YahShua. He asks, “Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
  45. Jude 1:21 Keep yourselves inside Elohim's love, looking for the mercy of our Master YahShua, [the] Messiah, [to bring you, 😇,] to eternal life.
  46. Daniel 6:21 Then DaniEl {El-Judges} answers the Emperor, “O king, live forever.
  47. Wisdom of Solomon 15:3 For to know you equals perfect righteousness. Yes, to know your power is the root of immortality.
  48. Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 34:13 The spirit of everyone who fears YHVH will live; for their hope is [the only one] who [can] save them.
  49. Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 34:14 Whoever fears YHVH won't fear or be afraid; for [YAH] is his hope.


4 SONGS on the theme of Eternal Life

  1. I Want To Live Forever (Parody Of Queen's Who Wants To Live
  2. Living Water
  3. For Ever Ever Ever (Parody Of We Are Never Ever Ever Getting
  4. River of Life


1 CHAPTERS on the theme of Eternal Life

  1. Opera Dog Lives On


2 ARTWORKS on the theme of Eternal Life

  1. Doorway To Eternity
  2. Eternal Life Icon


1 REVIEWS OF MEDIA on the theme of Eternal Life

  1. Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade